The Hype Of The Day is a new heading in the blog, that will reflect hot news topics if they strike an astrological inspiration.
Let’s look into the natal chart of Meghan Markle today, and analyze the main challenge of this chart and its shadow side. It must be clarified, that only socially visible layers of prominent configurations of this horoscope are discussed in this post.

The concentration of personal planets in the first quadrant of the chart signifies a self-centred person. Sun, Mercury and North node conjunction in Leo in the first house accentuates that even more. Such placement will often make it hard for the chart owner to notice other people and accept other opinions but their own. What on a developed level could have been a shining warmth of an admirable personality in most cases (without inner work and self-reflection) will turn into plain narcissism.
The only planet through which the chart owner becomes noticed in the outer world is Mars – a symbol of action and natural aggression. In a constructive way, this would mean that person is seen and judged by their doing, assertiveness, initiative and ability to stand their ground if needed.
However, in this chart Mars is in a weak and damaged position which manifests in inadequate actions, unjustified and impulsive aggression and constant inner spite.
Highly destructive aspects of Mars provide suspicious sensitivity to the environment, persistent search for enemies, unreasonable ambitions, claims to authority and personal significance, hypocrisy, intractability, tendency to object and dispute any matter and as a result, constant anger and dissatisfaction.
Having a stronger position of Mars would have helped the person to express all these inner tendencies naturally, getting rid of excess tension perhaps through open confrontation, physical activity or productive work. But in this case “the inner squabbler” can’t find the natural to Mars way out, being trapped in an insecure and fearful position.
Instigated by enormous personal ambitions and self-importance where Moon adds hysterical notes, Saturn – the absence of mature self-control, Jupiter – the embellishment of the true reasons behind one’s actions, the chart owner is at risk to use the most unnatural way of Martian confrontation – putting on the mask of a victim inclined for behind-the-scenes fighting and manipulative conspiracies. This combination in the chart signifies a person prone to use collective and social harmony and values to satisfy their own needs and glorify themselves.
The axis of the Moon Nodes in this case is realized through a persistent search for attention, staged circumstances, and self-absorbed dramatic acts based on abrupt and shocking revelations about the appointed enemies.
The natal chart works, but the taste is bitter. One might ask: is there a way to escape those destructive tendencies in the chart, and constructively realize Moon Nodes’ energy?
Like always, in Astrology, it is up to the chart owner how they choose to use their resource, there are countless ways and the natal chart will reflect whichever choice.