
September 2023: Venus and Mercury direct, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde etc.

The start of September 2023 is vibrant with the energy of Uranus, Jupiter and Venus changing directions. Tremendous appetites and ambitions of the previous month keep hold for the major part of September. Attempts to maintain a particular degree of comfort or a certain status will be obvious on many levels. Professed idealistic aspirations that […]

September 2023: Venus and Mercury direct, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde etc. Read More »

August 2023: two Full Supermoons, Mercury and Uranus retrograde etc.

The Sturgeon Supermoon on the 1st of August promises a spectacular view of the Perseids meteor shower that will peak around the 13th. It also enriches the time with mature potent energy to implement daring plans and perform productive practical activities. Seize this moment, because as the week unfolds, the mood becomes decadent and rather

August 2023: two Full Supermoons, Mercury and Uranus retrograde etc. Read More »

June 2023: Venus in Leo, Saturn retrograde, Mars square Uranus etc.

After the rapid and explosive May, June 2023 might seem like a respite. Although contentious tendencies will not disappear they are rather to proceed as undercurrents with random bursts throughout this month. Idealistic and fairly optimistic expectations of the first days of June quickly turn into significant tension caused by transformative forces aimed at various

June 2023: Venus in Leo, Saturn retrograde, Mars square Uranus etc. Read More »

May 2023: Mercury retrograde, Lunar Eclipse, Jupiter in Taurus etc.

May 2023 is rather discordant. It starts with rising tension as a general background represented significantly by political and power struggles as an ongoing trend. On an everyday level, it will lead to a sense of uncertainty when personal intentions stumble upon overwhelming circumstances. It is easy to get sucked into the collective processes. The

May 2023: Mercury retrograde, Lunar Eclipse, Jupiter in Taurus etc. Read More »

January 2023: Pluto, Venus and Mercury conjunction, Full Moon in Cancer, static Mars etc.

January 2023 starts with an emotional and intellectual charge combined with a general vibe of exhaustion as if there is no resource left for any endeavour. Be it holidays that drained you, unsatisfactory news or a relationship debacle, the best tactic for this period is observation. The first half of the month is better dedicated

January 2023: Pluto, Venus and Mercury conjunction, Full Moon in Cancer, static Mars etc. Read More »

September 2022: Mercury retrograde, Sun opposite Neptune, Venus in Virgo etc.

September 2022 is full of illusion and distortion. Self-imposed or introduced from the outside falsification is vast and hard to distinguish from reality. Sharp and sober cognitive abilities would have been the antidote, but the concentration capability is low. The first week exposes the disagreement between considerate personal opinions and enforced authoritative ideas. Various interest

September 2022: Mercury retrograde, Sun opposite Neptune, Venus in Virgo etc. Read More »