September 2023: Venus and Mercury direct, Mars in Libra, Jupiter retrograde etc.

The start of September 2023 is vibrant with the energy of Uranus, Jupiter and Venus changing directions. Tremendous appetites and ambitions of the previous month keep hold for the major part of September. Attempts to maintain a particular degree of comfort or a certain status will be obvious on many levels. Professed idealistic aspirations that were masking hidden personal materialistic intentions prove to be ineffective. September will expose that it’s all about money, partnership, or values depending on the stage of one’s personality development.

The news background at the start of the month will focus excessively on personal opinions rather than objective truths. Critical thinking and respect for different viewpoints should help to balance the general outlook.  The moment is good for public appearances and influential speeches.

Optimistic and creative vibes of the second week of the month could lead to results in long-stalling or previously postponed projects. Breakthrough ideas and unconventional approaches might appear fruitful. Some unexpected developments might also be due. New projects are best adjourned until the last week of September.

By the third week of the month, the clarity of consciousness is fading. It is challenging to distinguish reality from illusion and personal aims from societal needs. Discernment when it comes to information and sensitivity, along with transparency when it comes to issues of the social realm, will be of help. Avoiding the outer influence and maintaining your personal vector will be rewarded by the energy boost and favourable circumstances.

With the Sun entering Libra collaborative tendencies rise. There might be surprises and extravagant moves in this field, but there is a positive chance for constructive dialogue. Though the emotional climate is uneven, from scarce to whiny or gritty, productivity is still achievable, through open communication. However, one must keep the mind sharp and refrain from or beware of misinformation and deceit to succeed.