One would expect Virgo season to bring more clarity and accuracy in life, but September 2021 follows the summer trend of strong Neptunian influence. The beginning of September might bring active developments of the situations that started at the end of spring.
The first couple of days of the month carry uneven emotional context with strong intuition and sensibility. Enthusiasm and activity in this period are better applied to mundane and practical matters rather than obscure or idealistic projects. Mercury in Libra will provide a good basis for finding a compromise or establishing long term diplomatic agreements if approached unemotionally. This is the period of disconnection between the spiritual and material sides of life for the benefit of both. The chance to fall under the undesirable influence or misread important factors is also extremely high in the first decade of September.
The romantic sphere of life might bring certain tension. The new Moon in Virgo on the 7th might offer an unexpected transformative solution leading to a new chapter in this area of life. This is also a moment of fortuitous turns.
The financial aspect might come into question by the end of the second week of September. With Mars entering Libra there might appear some appealing opportunities and ambitious ideas, but there is a risk of unseen or uncounted details and distorted view of a situation, so it might not be the best time for major financial decisions.
Full Moon in Pisces on the 20th will emphasise the collision between “I want” and “I feel”. Proactive and assertive desire to accomplish might not be in tune with emotional susceptibility and a need to switch off. The peak of an emotional storm will soon pass leaving a strong charge of productive energy. The last week of September is full of drive with the ability to strategically apply it for a constructive and long-lasting result.
The personal contacts field might face some unexpected developments and sharp corners, but if to rely on mutual values and beliefs the challenges will be resolved sooner. Mercury turning retrograde on the 27th again returns us to some unfinished matters, this time offering to transform and revaluate social ambitions and relationship patterns.
September 2021 on the surface is calmer than previous months however its dangers are hidden. Misleading beliefs, emotional instability and the tendency to get carried away are the inner challenges. While water, chemical substances and airborne diseases are the major outside risk.