Pluto first enters Aquarius on 23 March 2023. This ingression will only last a couple of months and will be more like a test drive to subsequent Pluto’s lengthy transit through Aquarius in 2024-2044 years.
Mythologically Pluto is the Roman name of the Greek Hades, god of the underworld, lord of the souls of the dead and master of all hidden riches. His realm is unseen, dark and unattainable to the living. The most hospitable of the gods, Hades only accepts the deceased in his domain. But no one will escape meeting him and no one will stay the same afterwards.
Pluto in astrology is a planet of crisis, transformation, and power.
Its influence in life is represented by pressure, critical circumstances, dramatic occurrences and serious challenges. Activated in a chart, Pluto offers to go through symbolic death in order to get rid of the obsolete, to change and be reborn as an improved and stronger entity.
Transiting through the Zodiac sign, Pluto cleanses the space, getting rid of outdated and rotten. It takes to extremity all the matters of the particular domain, subsequently putting it to the test, for fundamental renewal.
Pluto in Aquarius is a change primarily in society. It is an intransigent destruction of previously established societal agreements on all levels. From local communities and interest groups to international relationships. The majority of social institutions will have to go through a radical transformation.
Certain long-lasting governmental structures will face a lack or loss of fundamental resources. As a result, the power of the former leaders in the world arena will wain. Pluto in Aquarius is a threat to the monopoly on power. Not the personality or an individual player is in charge, but the crowd or the team of equal members. The form of international relationships will gradually switch from traditionally hierarchal to unranked and based on true equality. The world will head towards a decentralised format with many equally significant and powerful players at once. This will lead to the reformation of old and the establishment of new international connections, alliances and coalitions based on mutual interests and tactical benefit.
On an everyday level, Pluto in Aquarius will empower collectives and groups rather than individuals. It is not a time of strong leading personalities but rather a time of strong unifying ideas. But this factor is ambivalent. On the one hand, the concepts that aim for progress with the best social interests and fairness in mind could get an active boost. On the other hand, it could become easier to manipulate social opinion to fit in with various agendas, especially if disguised as humanitarian.
Pluto’s passage accentuates all the characteristics of the Aquarius sign, it also opens the gate for different corrupt behaviours in its sphere.
It is likely to increase the desire for renewal and freedom and provoke revolutionary tendencies around the world. Liberté, égalité, fraternité – the motto born at the time of the French Revolution (which happened at previous Pluto’s passage through Aquarius) might become relevant again. And whilst in some cases in history, a revolt against oppression may seem justified, there are no fewer cases that illustrate the dangers of an unruly angry crowd. A lot might depend on which side you are on. And this planetary transit is known to radicalise and polarise society.
To be continued…