November 2021 is a month of active developments and change. From the first days, we will notice an increase in the informational field. There will be motion in the intellectual and media spheres as well as intention to influence minds. Therefore any information in this period of time should be taken with a pinch of salt as it will be hard to distinguish manipulation and populism from genuine ideas. Moon in Libra in the beginning briefly adds emotional value to the informational field and lights up a short moment of optimism in the financial topic before joining intensively charged and disturbing stellium in Scorpio.
The New Moon on the 4th of November has a confrontational mood. The moment provokes sharp movements and active steps fuelled by deep emotional reactions. This New Moon opens the gate for a lasting period of transformation, drastic changes and new beginnings of an acute and controversial nature. Depending on the individual chart, for some, it might become a precursor of a “black swan”.
It is a good period for making decisions and forming plans, especially of reorganizational nature yet is best to start the implication of these plans at a later date. Personal aspirations, however, might clash with collective expectations or unexpected circumstances. The air is filled with social cravings for change, independence and freedom, yet it brings personal discomfort and raises practical questions on an individual level. The financial question is one of the major ones, to be soon emphasised by an Eclipse.
With Venus entering Capricorn and Mercury ingressing Scorpio, the personal relationships area might become quite challenging. The emotional sphere appears to be more reserved and distant while the communicational field tends to be suspicious, tense and manipulative.
The second decade of November starts on a tense aspect between Mars, Mercury, Saturn and Uranus, which symbolizes strong resistance, limitations and delays to any opinionated initiatives and spontaneous moves. Once again it reminds us to be considerate, patient and strategic in our doings. When ambitions gradually rise by the middle of the month it is best to practice modesty, calm persistence and willpower in order to overcome obstacles and achieve one’s aims.
It is also a time to maintain objective critical thinking and good contact with personal intuition to avoid getting muddled up with, not necessarily right, collective ideals.
Lunar Eclipse on the 19th of November highlights already mentioned moods of the month and puts additional stress onto the emotional field. It is easy to offend and be offended by any criticism and thoughtless moves. It is not the time to exercise ambitions or claim higher status, reputation is also at risk. It’s important to avoid “the high horse” and establish equal communication in all spheres of life. The moment is difficult for enthusiastic leadership and leaders of any kind. The best approach would be egalitarian crisis management with an orientation on stability and comfort. (More details about this Eclipse will be in a separate post)
In the last week of November with Sun and Mercury entering Sagittarius tension of the month gradually eases up and the atmosphere becomes more optimistic. The end of the month is a good period for romantic relationships and creative activity. Neptune stations direct at the very end of the month, accentuating attention on the spiritual and intuitive side of life, pointing out the necessity to relax.
November is full of tension and potential for change, it can be stressful and overwhelming so it is important to keep a clear mind and focus. Another helpful approach throughout the month is to rise above any situation and observe it rather than actively getting involved or being carried away by its flow.