May 2022 starts in the aura of the Solar Eclipse of Beltane. The atmosphere is tense and electrified with an appetency for a major update. The mind might be abundant with creative plans, the informational field is filled with a sense of universal unity “for all good, against all evil”, humanitarian ideals, spirituality and all sorts of positive energy.
First days of the month gift inspiration, boost creativity and fuel imagination, meanwhile increasing the risk of falling under illusions and manipulation. Yet there is not enough energy for any accomplishments. Once Venus enters Aries on the 3rd the effect of blissful anaesthesia will slowly start to fade and we will soon start to notice that visualisation and radiation of positive vibes are not enough in the world of matter.
The end of the first week might bring unexpected developments. It is likely to witness or perform some strange and eccentric behaviour during this period but it is also a good moment to implement any change.
Jupiter’s ingress into Aries on the 11th opens the gate for disclosure of many hidden factors of the previous few months. The fog of illusory beliefs slightly lifts and the general vector switches to assertive, forceful impatient and uncompromising. However, with Mars under the strong influence of Neptune, there is still a great deal of hidden activity under the surface and a lack of energy for open steps. Leading up to Lunar Eclipse on the 16th the time is full of various emotional twists, there might appear a strong desire to cut ties with certain parts of life. It is best to leave all important decisions for a later date unless some partings are already long overdue, in which case the Eclipse will help to conclude them for good.
When Sun moves into Gemini the general atmosphere lifts, and everything finally starts moving. Even Mercury retrograde does not seem to hinder after the swampy Pisces-Taurus energy of the previous month. Mars joins Jupiter in Aries and boosts operative energy, it is finally the time for action. Rhetoric becomes more feisty, decisions motivated and prompt, assertiveness grows as well as the level of potential aggression and intolerance. This highly ardent charge can be useful in sports or other productive physical activities.