March 2023 starts the most intensive season of the year. A sense of exhaust and anticipation characterises the month. In such a way, some major phase has come to an end and one is transiting through its border into something new.
Previous information overflow calls for detachment and cogitation. It is unlikely to come to any reasonable solution through communication as it transforms from limited and rigid into vague and irrational. An intuitive approach would provide a better result throughout the month, yet it is important to resist illusions and triggers of prompt reactions, especially when making financial decisions.
Creativity, romance, education, spirituality and relaxation are the most productive activity choices for the first part of the month. Tasks that require accuracy and concentration might be challenging as the intellectual field is all smoke and mirrors. Scepticism and critical thinking will help to navigate through questionable information flow.
With Saturn entering Pisces the general feeling of instability will start to spread revealing the frailness of long-trusted institutions and commonly-accepted rules. This is a start of a long process that might become obvious only with time.
A full Moon on the 7th provokes irritation from uncertainty and, with a strong emotional charge, increases the chance of thoughtlessness.
Mid-March will boost confusion. News feeds will lack clarity. False information might influence cognitive abilities and provoke unmotivated sharp moves. It is wise to avoid illusions and influences.
With Sun entering Aries, the energy level rises and calls for activity, but the actual steps might be hard to perform. The degree of tension and aggression is high at this point.
On the 23rd Pluto steps into Aquarius first time since the 18th century, creating a significant shift in society. Some will feel the change straight away, others will take time to notice the tendency. (More about this ingression in a separate post)
The last week of the month might be prone to surprises and ambitious, not to say populist rhetoric. Attention to mundane needs and keeping within one’s strategy is a grounding tool for this period.
Substantial transformation of the atmosphere in March includes the possibility of notable events with long-term impact.