Jupiter and Neptune conjunction in Pisces

The major part of 2022 Jupiter spends in Pisces where it accompanies and, in April, conjuncts Neptune. These are a few general tendencies of this transit that might be activated throughout a year:

– The increase of interest in the spiritual side of life, religions and beliefs as well as various ideologies, cults and plain superstitions

– A possibility of new developments in pharmaceutical, chemical and marine spheres also news connected to alcohol, drugs and other mind-altering substances

– The abundance of wet weather, floods and strong winds with the possibility of landslides and poisonous outflows

– Social attention might turn towards optimistic humanistic values, idealistic concepts, peace, love, sacrification and saving-the-world themes

– The increase of mystifications, illusions, intrigues, deception and fraud in all spheres of life, but also the possibility of various exposures and revelation of secrets

– A possibility of spy scandals, secret political moves, the rise of nationalistic tendencies, disinformation, hidden influences and informational leaks

– The attempts to formalise and legalise, hidden, unofficial, virtual or shadow sectors of life

– The rise of artistic and creative spheres, especially, music, photography and film industries, development of iconic works and emergence of new talents and heroes (E.g. the first appearance of Superman happened during Jupiter in Pisces)

– The activation of charities, social help programs, increased attention to vulnerable members of society and the mental health sphere

The list is not complete but provides the basic tunes of Jupiter in Pisces. Like always in Astrology, the meaning of any planetary transit for each individual will depend solely on their natal chart.