July 2021: Mars in Leo, Saturn in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus, Sun vs Pluto, ‘evil’ fixed stars etc.

After the swampy, relaxed mood of the previous month, July 2021 starts on a very tense note. We will detect vivid active impulses of a sharp, confrontational nature. Courtesy of the opposition between Mars and Saturn, sudden “go-get” urges are likely to face a brick wall of restrictions and unresponsiveness. Meanwhile, square to Uranus points that inability to achieve immediate results in actions and desires might cause explosive reactions of an unpredictable nature.  In the communication sphere, this can manifest in scandals and unexpected changes in relationships. In other areas of life – impulsive actions and lack of temperance might result in accidents and damage. A peak of controversy will be reached on the 4th of July, enhanced by muddled vibes and misconceptions brought by Mercury and Neptune.

The most expedient approach to any task in the first decade of the month is a combination of strategy, determination, innovation and attention to detail. Unplanned and not urgent activity is better to be performed at a later date.

Mercury’s ingression to Cancer rises the ability to empathise and concentrate in communication. Mars and Venus conjunction in Leo provides a good ground for establishing and improving romantic relationships. This is also a good period for establishing emotional connections, finding compassion and understanding with people in personal life.

The tension in the social field will gradually increase and by the middle of the third week of July, the questions of authority and subordination, personality and crowd, desires of the ego and its suppression might show. It’s best to zoom out of overly personal involvement in challenging situations practising distant observation and intuitive reflection.

By the end of the third week, ambitions in the amorous sphere might reach their height causing disappointment. Full Moon on the 24th will cool down unnecessary emotions and switch a tumbler onto more practical spheres. 

The last week of July will accentuate the antagonism of personal and societal. With Jupiter returning to Aquarius we might feel “a vacation is over”. Mars ingression into Virgo will just emphasise the necessity to get back to work resulting in initial disagreement with reality. Yet this will be the start of the productive period, good for an implication of plans, and getting things done.

July 2021 is accident-prone with challenging configurations of the planets and the involvement of two hazardous stars Antares and Aldebaran. It’s wise to avoid additional risks and put extra attention to safety measures.