February 2022: Lunar New Year, Mars and Venus in Capricorn, Vega, Mercury in Aquarius etc.

February 2022 with the New Moon on the 1st starts Lunar New Year and revives the infamous confrontation between old and new, the square between Saturn and Uranus, that lasted throughout 2021. This month the basic organisation of society comes into question again and the desire to renew and update seemingly outdated structures clashes with a strong grip of traditional order. With a passionate and proactive attitude, modernistic and liberal tendencies might visually prevail, but it is unlikely to bring satisfaction in the long run, because under the surface, the old structures will stay intact. The conflict will ease temporarily by the middle of the month only to remind of itself later in the year.

With Mercury turning direct on the 4th, thoughts and communication might sway towards collective processes, some transformative news might be on the way and the general desire to know more and dig into the core of any information will gradually increase. By the end of the first week, the rise of productivity and creativity will boost the mood and raise the bar for ambitions and inspirational goals.

Even though the emotional field will seem a bit uneven in the second week of the month, the period will be fruitful for developing romantic relationships, taking action and implementing changes in most practical areas of life. Yet it’s best to follow a strategic rather than an incidental approach.

Mars and Venus in conjunction adorned with fixed star Vega on the 14th of February promise intensive passionate energy which can be well used in the romantical sphere but also in all sorts of creative activities and self-expression. Ardent initiatives on this date will have a long-lasting effect. Full Moon on the 16th might cause a brief emotional instability, but with Sun entering Pisces the atmosphere will become more relaxed.

The last week of the month is coloured with the rapidly changing and even shocking informational environment. Communications are challenging, ideas are raw, illogical and unreasonable, nervous reactivity is increased. These hectic vibes can disrupt inner peace of mind so it’s best to divert the energy to good use like the persistent and profound study of complex subjects or a new deep interest in any scientific matter. A serious intellectual challenge will not leave one’s mind a time for worries.