This series of Solar Eclipses is represented by a vivid manifestation of the collective unconscious. Powerful instinctive nature overtakes the intellectual side. It suddenly comes onto the surface triggered by a raw aggressive vibe. The focus of the eclipse is on global processes and major fundamental shifts. It has involving and congregated influence, while individual programs come secondary. Eclipses of this family are strongly connected to natural and human-caused accidents, especially, related to underground and water hazards.
The current Eclipse on the 25th of October carries the feel of the collective uncontrollable flow of its series but accentuates the critical nature of the moment and the necessity of transformation. Ready or not, the change mode is on. The challenge is to let go of the illusion of stability and embrace the change within, while the circumstances develop beyond. Economical and banking spheres are of the most prone to cardinal changes, including all aspects of finances, resources and everyday needs. Although emotions are heightened, it’s best to switch focus to social activities and networking. A cool head, resilient, smart, agile and proactive attitude will not fail.
This series of Lunar Eclipses is characterised by sharp, feisty, aggressive individualistic nature challenged by powerful natural development and transformation. The productive vector is to prioritise coherence, partnership and compromise over assertiveness and egotistical claims. Creative, ethical thinking in tune with spiritual and noble ideas is an antidote to raw instinctive energy.
The current Eclipse on the 8th of November accentuates the need for a fresh approach to humanistic values and conscientious judgement. It initiates the turn to an inevitable change in the political sphere as well as a refresh of authority figures on all levels. A major switch can be expected in the financial area of life with an emphasis on personal capabilities rather than help from the outer world. The long-standing systemic structures are shaking and need replacement with something new, but there are no obvious alternatives just yet. The mood of this Eclipse is highly nervous and perilous, it is best to concentrate on practical mundane matters maintaining a diplomatic, attentive and kind attitude to those around.
The period of Eclipses is often accident-prone, this time with a risk of earthquakes, water-related and chemical hazards.
Like always in Astrology, the meaning of the eclipse for each individual will depend on their natal chart.