Eclipse season: 20 of April and 5 of May 2023

This series of Eclipses is represented by the influence of encompassing cathartic collective processes. Balanced, tentative, and rather conformist individual energies undergo critical pressure of raw forceful nature. The purpose is to carve own path even in unfavourable circumstances developing assertiveness and agility.

The actual Eclipse on the 20th of April highlights the crudity of arrogant egotistical ambitions of some that come in conflict with the mass interest or even natural forces. Enthusiasm is over the top, emotional reactivity is high, but there is not enough energy to fulfil one’s expectations. Conflict tendencies are rising further increasing tension. Hasty moves will be fruitless at best if not incur damage. Intellectual activity is nervous, but if applied purposely especially oriented on earlier initiated projects results might pleasantly surprise. Distancing and detachment are most beneficial throughout this Eclipse.

The Lunar Eclipse on the 5th of May is barely astrologically significant as an Eclipse, and more like a slightly stronger Full Moon. The series it belongs to is characterised by potent creative energy with a vector towards the future. The actual Eclipse if we count it, or rather Full Moon, reminds us of certain matters that need to be finalised before beholding the future. It echoes that the process of change is full-on and one needs to adapt to it. It pulls emotional strings evoking distress and various nervous reactions. Moderate and natural physical activity would help to release the pressure.

The period of Eclipses is often accident-prone, this time with a risk of natural underground and technogenic hazards.

Like always in Astrology, the meaning of the eclipse for each individual will depend on their natal chart.