December starts on a quarrelsome note. Idealistic and often bold expectations seem to not match reality. In a time when appetites are high, opinions subjective, diplomacy failed and deception is unsuccessful, the only resort is humility. However, a brash and emotional mind might not allow one to recognise the problem. Communication goes wrong, information is not to be trusted, emotions are excessive and illusions are vast and yet the urge to prove a point is higher than ever. Impulsive decisions and activity in this period will result in disappointment. The first part of the month is also prone to accidents, especially water-related ones.
A full Moon on the 8th will carry a temperamental and irritant atmosphere, in combination with absurd aspirations and conceit. The solution for this period is old, boring and reliable it is self-control.
The second week of the month might bring developments related to the financial and political spheres. It is inclined to reveal limitations to demands, prospects and resources. Economical difficulties might gain a larger scale yet some people, influenced by illusions or fear, might be unwilling to see reality. It’s easy to become a victim of fraud or self-delusion during this time.
The third week opens good opportunities for communication and establishing various contacts. Any project that benefits from unconventional ideas, creative thinking, collaboration and dialogue will gain a chance. The established romantic relationship might also get a boost of new energy. Unexpected meetings and unusual circumstances will lead to new contacts.
The end of the month is an unsteady moment for those with many responsibilities. Leadership and status tend to get questioned. Jupiter in Aries clears the smoke and returns assertive rhetoric. But the new Moon on the 23rd suggests temperance and strategy when it comes to setting goals. With Mercury turning retrograde in addition to Mars, the time is best for summarizing and assiduous planning. Not to forget the holiday cheer and joy!