Astrology Notes

Astrological view on vaccination through the point of Saturn and Uranus square aspect.

Only a lazy astrologer has not written about a square between Saturn and Uranus in 2021. However, in this post, I suggest looking at the subject of vaccination in the current pandemic from the point of this planetary aspect. Using it as an example of an astrological interpretation method, which can also be applied in

Astrological view on vaccination through the point of Saturn and Uranus square aspect. Read More »

Ophiuchus and other Zodiac constellations vs Zodiac signs

You might have occasionally come across the information that claimed that Ophiuchus is the 13th Zodiac constellation and the remaining twelve constellations do not align with their corresponding signs anymore due to precession. In accordance with that, some sources claim that your Zodiac sign has changed a long time ago, yet astrologers failed to notice

Ophiuchus and other Zodiac constellations vs Zodiac signs Read More »