Ophiuchus and other Zodiac constellations vs Zodiac signs

You might have occasionally come across the information that claimed that Ophiuchus is the 13th Zodiac constellation and the remaining twelve constellations do not align with their corresponding signs anymore due to precession. In accordance with that, some sources claim that your Zodiac sign has changed a long time ago, yet astrologers failed to notice

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July 2020: Lunar Eclipse, Saturn Retrograde, Mercury goes direct etc.

July 2020 turns emotional intensity of the previous month into persistent unreleased tension. There might appear signs of accumulated withheld stress, aggression, and desire for instantaneous actions sustained by illusion that forceful measures can be a good resolution in the moment.In the beginning of the month communication and intellectual spheres will be doomed by sentimental

July 2020: Lunar Eclipse, Saturn Retrograde, Mercury goes direct etc. Read More »

June 2020: Moon Eclipse, Sun Eclipse, Mercury and Venus Retrograde etc.

June 2020 is vague, slow, full of illusions and misconceptions, with high emotional intensity and lack of clear view on situation.The beginning of June will be quite strained. With Moon Eclipse on the 5th there is a concern about emotional instability combined with the desire for sharp actions based more on instincts rather than intellect.

June 2020: Moon Eclipse, Sun Eclipse, Mercury and Venus Retrograde etc. Read More »