August 2022: Mars, Uranus and North Node conjunction, Venus in Leo, Full Moon in Aquarius etc.

Following the lead of July‘s last week, the start of August 2022 reminds hurricane. The atmosphere is electrified and hectic. Even brief moments of calmness feel as nervous and unsatisfying. The beginning of the month is prone to accidents, mistakes and shocks. It is likely to feel jolts of nervous energy both physically and intellectually, lack of patience and sudden urges to act promptly. Whilst impulsiveness and aggression are amplified, the best policy of this period is to avoid risks and eccentricity, practising alertness and care, yet understanding that not everyone around will be following this advice.

In August the conflict of traditional foundations and revolutionary tendencies will light up again, this time ignited by more fierce energy. Although the confrontation between an individual and the social structure is in obvious need of modernisation, the offered and sometimes enforced solutions are dissatisfactory at this point, resulting in an even bigger collision.

By the end of the first week, there is a chance of significant shifts in financial and well-being areas of life. New circumstances might impact the whole idea of resources and stability, raising practical questions about everyday living.

With Venus entering Leo on the 11th, material expectations become close to the heart. However, the appetites are forcefully limited by the general world agenda.

This time is also precarious for serious relationship decisions. Attempts to clear the air are likely to result in a clash and end in a destructive conflict or a compelled compromise with a bitter taste that will only postpone the fight. A few days after the Full Moon emotional side of life slightly evens out, opening opportunities for better cooperation.

Mars in Gemini from the 20th boosts communication and opens a half-year period of movement, verbal manifestation and battles on the informational ground. 

It becomes easier to connect thinking and doing for a productive outcome, but it’s essential to be aware of distorted and deceitful influences in the informational field. Focusing on firm facts and practicality will help to resist getting carried away by illusions or even intentional misinformation.

The last decade of the month features increased nervousness and irritability. Coming up to the New Moon on the 27th, some news in the economic realm might be due. Proactive and considerate moves backed with crisis management skills can be fruitful.

August 2022 is eventful and perilous. It calls for action, novelty, and speed, as well as attention, caution and maturity. Developments of the month will conclude the situations that might have first manifested at the beginning of May and lay a vector for the coming autumn.

Channelling the excessive drive into creativity, new activities and projects, improvement, and reorganisation of everyday life will result in emotional balance and a general feel of renewal with a chance for meaningful insights.