August 2021 starts on a conflict of personal opinions and societal obligations and structures. Jupiter return to Aquarius highlights the meaning of civil responsibility versus petty individual motives. At the beginning of the month, the luminaries revive the aspect of the year – square between Saturn and Uranus, enhancing the possibility of unexpected turns and disagreements in societal arrangements. The thought process in this period is blinded by ego and emotions. Towards the end of the first decade, rationalism gradually returns, but animosities will still be in place along with a chance of new unexpected developments and risk of accidents, especially on transport. New Moon on the 8th will prolong this trend into the month.
The financial sphere might show uncertain and cause concerns. Some controversial financial decisions might seem appealing, yet it is not the best time to risk, especially expecting short term results. Neptune opposing Venus in its weakest position might result in financial loss in the mirages pursuit.
The romantical side of life might go through a period of misconceptions and illusions. It’s easy to get carried away by emotional idealism however it may lead to some unsatisfactory realisations in the end.
Mercury’s ingression to Virgo highlights a period of productivity and activity in both intellectual and physical areas of life. Perfect time to get jobs done and plans completed. By the start of the third week of August, ambitions might gradually rise conjoined with sensitivity to personal status. The strong mental energy of Mercury in trine with Uranus promises successful communication and negotiations full of innovative ideas and desires for change. Mars adds sharpness, determination and speed in thinking and making decisions.
This is a good time to develop comprehensive modernisation strategies and detailed plans for future projects. It’s also a suitable moment to reorganise mundane areas of your life like work, health or house: book check-up appointments, perform necessary routines at home and work, declutter, develop healthy habits etc.
Full Moon in Aquarius on the 22 accentuates attention on aspirations and goals. It might call for adventure yet by this time clarity of mind fades and it’s easy to fall victim to misunderstandings, fallacy or even fraud. A week prior and a week after this full moon is an accident-prone time, it’s wise to exercise cautiousness, especially on transport.
August 2021 is great for brainstorming, communicating, developing and introducing changes. Static Uranus can bring sudden circumstances into life provoking fast reactions and urgency to evolve. But the key in August is the active position in life that helps to go through any change or be the change.