Astrological view on vaccination through the point of Saturn and Uranus square aspect.

Only a lazy astrologer has not written about a square between Saturn and Uranus in 2021. However, in this post, I suggest looking at the subject of vaccination in the current pandemic from the point of this planetary aspect. Using it as an example of an astrological interpretation method, which can also be applied in other cases. Since this aspect is undoubtedly a major trend of the year.

I did not write on this topic earlier, as I am not interested in influencing anyone’s opinion on vaccination. By now the majority of people have already made their decision, so it seems appropriate to look at this topic from an astrological point of view. Nevertheless, I remind you that this post is of a solely astrological informational character. Its author is not a medical professional and does not provide any medical advice.

Now let’s dissect the astrological nature of Saturn and Uranus square. Saturn is in Aquarius which is its minor domicile, meaning the planet energy is strong and naturally expressed in this sign. Uranus, on the contrary, is in the sign of its detriment – Taurus, which weakens planetary energy and makes it prone to inadequate manifestations.

In this aspect, Saturn with its traditional, structural and restrictive approach works in a scientific, unemotional and contemporary manner. Meanwhile, rebellious, chaotic and free-spirited Uranus adopts a naturalistic, emotional and retentive attitude.

Whilst the energy of Aquarius is close to Saturn, the energy of Taurus is unnatural for Uranus therefore Saturn is in a stronger position. The conflicting essence of a square sparks potential energy which, in this case,  is more likely to feed Saturn and slacken Uranus.

In mundane life it can signify that the urge for change and modernisation is raw, the idea of freedom is distorted, rebellion is inadequate to the circumstances.  While, temperate strategy, orientation on past experience, the ability of self-control and resilience are contemporary.

As we observe, one of the most important questions of 2021 is vaccination against the well-known virus. But the population has very uneven attitudes to this topic which can be generalised as two major camps: vaccine supporters and vaccine opponents.

In the vaccination debate, anti-vac advocates defend what they consider freedom, and suggest relying on natural personal health and immunity in order to stabilise the situation for their emotional comfort.

Pro-vac advocates rely on a traditional way of scientifically developed vaccine, created in order to promptly adapt and overcome a critical situation for the benefit of society.

Do you see the conflict between Uranus in Taurus (anti-vac) and Saturn in Aquarius (pro-vac)?

This could also be a good example of how a planet in detriment gets confused, often betrays its own nature and creates troubles through its own inadequate activity.

So far into 2021, we witness that no matter the heated debates and controversial opinions traditional approach succeeds and prevails in most spheres. Saturn defeats Uranus yet again.

P.S. Unrelated to post, but look at this article in The Washington Post mentioning astrology role in Bhutan vaccination plan.