Surprisingly, many books on astrology written in the first part of the 20th century start with a similar introduction. The authors often debate the wisdom of publishing such content. They suggest that their books might be ‘a hundred years early’ and ‘premature.’ They question whether the public is ready for their work or if it will be misunderstood. In an often defensive and almost apologetic tone, they ask potential critics to refrain from condemnation without first understanding the subject.
This indicates that even 100 years ago, fellow astrologers encountered similar challenges and frequently faced criticism from opinionated elements of the general public. To publish an astrological book under those circumstances would mean committing to constant exposure for dispute and criticism, at the cost of serious effort and various expenses, all for only a few interested readers. No wonder many of them preferred to keep their astrological interests within their close inner circle.
It makes one realize how fortunate modern-day astrologers are. We can take advantage of the Age of Aquarius, with the internet being one of its perks, to unapologetically express our astrological interests and knowledge to the world at almost no cost. It is much easier to build any chart, find any necessary data, and connect with like-minded people all over the world. And even though prejudice against astrology still exists, the sense of support and collective interest among many individuals is much more pronounced for any beginning or professional astrologer.